The headline reads: ‘Myth #3: At the event, your prospects can instinctively find your brilliant idea in the sea of look-alikes.’ The concept was developed by KudzuCreative for marketing its own event services through direct mail, online, and presentation/videos, focused on prevalent myths surrounding event marketing as a means for lead generation. As the third in a series of mailers and video presentations around event marketing ‘myths,’ it provides a visually compelling example of how unexpected imagery style + headline can yield a powerfully eye-catching message.
The main headline reference to ‘Instinctively Finding the Brilliant Idea in a Sea of Look-Alikes’ references the dragonfly perched atop a single bulb (idea) in a sea of bulbs (ideas). The reference is to the assumption within most organizations that if they have a brilliant product at an event, prospects will somehow be able to discern that while they’re walking by, which is of course, not the case. The suggestion pokes fun at a phenomenon that is extremely commonplace; yet with appropriate marketing services added to the mix, lead generation actually does occur. The concept was without question designed to be representative of the type and quality services KudzuCreative provides to its event marketing clients.
Within this almost fantasy layout, the advertisement goes on to define its audience and concisely articulate its value proposition, ‘Lead generating events — not just for the brightest bulbs anymore.’ Finally, the concept contains a text-only reference to KudzuCreative.
Because this concept was intended primarily for an advertising-type use in direct mail and video media, it has more of a visual ‘edge’ (versus corporate branding look and feel), as such concepts (particularly those associated with events) allow only seconds for the audience to see and respond to any given marketing theme/concept.
Copyrights on all concepts, imagery, copy, and messaging on the ‘Brightest Bulbs’ page are held by KudzuCreative.
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