This solution campaign focuses on specialized Ross Systems (then CDC Software, now Aptean) life sciences offerings for creation of drug ePedigrees, an (at the time) emerging regulatory requirement for drug manufacturers and distributors designed to eliminate rampant drug counterfeiting and enable tracking of drugs in which a problem may have been detected. The campaign was one of two finalists (along with Home Depot) in its category in the American Marketing Association 50th Anniversary Awards in Atlanta.
Details on the campaign itself follows the imagery below. For visual details on all component elements of the campaign (direct mailers, microsite, fulfillment pieces, Google rankings, etc.) as well as campaign timelines, please see ‘ePedigree Matters‘ under the ‘Integrated Campaigns‘ section of this site.
An electronic pedigree (ePedigree) is the equivalent of a digital chain of custody detailing a drug’s path through the supply chain, in which each company involved in the manufacture or distribution of the drug adds to the pedigree. The seller identifies the drugs and the full chain of custody, then certifies the pedigrees and transmits them in advance to the trading partner receiving the drugs, who authenticates the pedigrees. When a drug shipment arrives, the pedigrees are matched to the products and signed, verifying their accuracy. ePedigree software, provided by Ross and its partner SupplyScape, maintains the product-to-pedigree match while the products are in inventory.
This direct response campaign was designed to move the audience to review an online “ePedigree Resource Center,” and compel them to register to be sent a CD with various ePedigree resources. The campaign included two 5” x 5” direct mail pieces, sent sequentially (three weeks apart), which were obviously part of a campaign series. The 5″x5″ direct mail cards were sent to recipients in clear plastic envelopes so that the envelope didn’t have to be opened to be viewed by the target audience (the clear sleeve also substantially protects the direct mail piece). Both mailers directed the audience to register online for the free ePedigree Resource CD. When the requested CD was mailed, it arrived as the third element of the series.
Copyrights on all concepts, imagery, copy, and messaging on the ‘ePedigree Matters’ page are held by CDC Software.
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