For most companies, events are a paradox: you have to be there, but you never realize their full potential. They cost a fortune, but they’re painfully short on revenue-generating leads.
You’ve been there — sales points the finger at marketing and marketing gives sales the (proverbial) finger right back. Worse yet, your most brilliant assets — your technical folks — are held hostage in a poorly padded 10′ x 10′ square tasked with lead gen armed only with a logo sign and box of travel mugs. If this is you, here’s some great news on how to deliver lead-generating events.
Creating a smoothly-oiled event machine that churns out the hottest leads your salespeople may have all year isn’t rocket science — it’s a coordinated strategy made up of a visually compelling concept and messaging around your value proposition, coupled with flawless execution of precisely the right mix of marketing tactics, all of which reflect your memorable concept and messaging. If you wonder whether we really get leads from events, visit our Rave Reviews page and see what our clients have to say.
At KudzuCreative, we can provide you with the concept and message, as well as a ‘recipe’ for orchestrating and executing the marketing elements of your lead-generating event with a timeline you can follow. But we make it simple, giving you an à la carte menu of marketing services you can take or leave along with flat-fee pricing.
We serve as your event advisors — we can plan and execute everything you’ll need, or you can use us only for what your marketing department is too busy to do. You’re in control and you know precisely what you’re getting.
*Copyrights on all concepts, imagery, copy, and messaging samples in the video to the left belong entirely to the company with which they are associated in the presentation.